Miss Teen North Carolina United States is hosting Rage Against Cancer at The Rage Room on Saturday, April 6th, 2019 from 2-6pm, with all proceeds benefiting Cindy’s Hope Chest!

Join us at The Rage Room right behind Farmhouse Chic on Independence Blvd. on Saturday, April 6th, 2019 as we “Rage Against Cancer“! Tickets are $25 at the door or $20 in advance and will include food and 3 bottles to destroy. All cancer survivors (no matter what type) will get 3 extra bottles to throw!
We will have lots of raffles including sessions to Float Carolina, movie tickets, restaurant gift cards, and more! Our grand prize door prize is a gift card basket, and we are adding a gift card for every 5 tickets purchased! You don’t need to be present to win any of the prizes, however, you will not be entered into the door prizes unless you purchase a ticket.
Don’t miss this great event!
Purchase your tickets now on Ticket Tailor!